Starting April 14, 2009, I am posted as National Assessment and Examination Framework Specialist for the Samoa Education Sector Project II (ESPII). I will be serving as Consultant for this ADB-funded project for a total of 12 man-months.
This is my first assignment in the Pacific Region and it is really challenging! I am sharing you how Educational Assessment is practiced here in Samoa and in other Pacific Island countries.
Samoa, formerly known as Western Samoa, became the first South Pacific country to be gain political independence in 1962. It is located on the western part of the Samoan archipelago while American Samoa is one the eastern part.
In ESPII, one of my major outputs is to help the Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture (MESC) to prepare its National Assessment Policy Framework. This policy is in line with the modernization of Samoa's primary curriculum and assessment.
At present, Samoa's education system is loaded with national examinations. The following are existing examinations in the system:
- Samoa Primary Education Literacy Levels (SPELL) Test for Year 4
- SPELL Test for Year 6
- Year 8 National Examinations
- Samoan School Certificate Examinations for Year 12
- Pacific Senior Secondary Level Exams for Year 13 (administered by the South Pacific Board of Education Assessment based in Fiji)
All the national examinations are administered by the Assessment Unit of the Curriculum, Materials and Assessment Division of the Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture.
Purposes of the National Examinations in Samoa
1. Samoa Primary Education Literacy Levels Examinations (for Year 4 and 6)
- To monitor the literacy level in the primary levels focusing on English, Gagana Samoa and Numeracy.
2. Year 8 National Examinations
- For certification at the end of the primary level, and for ranking purpose to do selection to government senior schools (Avele College, Samoa College and Vaipouli College)
3. Samoa School Certificate (for Year 12)
- For certification and selection to Year 13 level
4. Pacific Senior Secondary Certificate Exams (for Year 13)
- For certification and selection to university and other tertiary institutions. This test is administered by South Pacific Board of Education Assessment based in Fiji.